References in water treatments

Wastewater treatment plant
Field of activity:Urban and industrial, Calvados – France
Capacity increase with continuity of service
Work completed:
- Change of electrical cabinet,
- Supervision and remote management of the station,
- Counting and screening of effluents,
- Building a scraped degreaser,
- Construction of an aeration basin,
- Regulated agitation and aeration,
- Deodorizations
Wastewater treatment plant
Area of activity: Food industry Galicia – Spain
Tripling the capacity of the step while ensuring continuity of service
Work completed:
- Change of electrical cabinet,
- Supervision and remote management of the station,
- Lifting and screening of effluents,
- Construction of an aeration basin,
- Regulated agitation and aeration,
- Discharge from flow regulated aeration basin,
- Demolition and reconstruction of a better suited clarifier,
- Sludge treatment by centrifugation,
- Input and output count channels,
- Exit lifting station.

Physico-chemical treatment station
Field of activity : metallurgical industry, North – France
General effluent treatment
Physico-chemical filter, fully automated filter press
Work completed:
- Effluent lifting,
- Buffer tank installation,
- Coagulation and flocculation tanks,
- Settling tank,
- Rejection control to pH,
- Dehydration by filter press.
Rehabilitation of a wastewater treatment plant
Field of activity : Slaughterhouse, Ile de France – France
Clarifier Re-Equipment
Aeration Basin Enhancement
Implementation of a control cabinet with supervision
Work completed:
- Effluent screening,
- Change of electrical cabinet,
- Agitation and regulation of the aeration tank outlet flow,
- Ventilation regulation,
- Scraper Bridge Replacement,
- Physico-chemical treatment of phosphorus,
- Sludge storage agitation,
- Output rate measurement.

Adaptation of a wastewater treatment plant
Field of activity : Food industry, Oise – France
Work completed:
- Effluent screening,
- Change of electrical cabinet,
- Aeration basin agitation,
- Ventilation regulation,
- Squeegee bridge replacement,
- Sludge storage agitation.